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NanoZeolite MD™

  • MD Prescriptives’™ NanoZeolite MD™ is made from a water suspension of natural food-grade zeolite which is sourced from uncontaminated clinoptilolite clay. More specifically, the primary bioactive ingredient found in NanoZeolite MD™ is composed of a silicate mineral complex featuring particle sizes with superior absorption high-surface energy over common food-grade zeolite products. The particle size range spans the upper nanometer to lower micrometer size ranges, which 'defines' the absorption powers (sorption capacity or biosorption performance) of the “micronized” zeolite particles as 'highly bioactive'.1,2 These highly bioactive micronized zeolite particles efficiently promote removal of noxious body loads containing harmful chemicals (i.e., xenobiotic elimination), heavy metals (i.e., chelation), radionuclides (i.e., decorporation), exoprotein elimination, and even supports microbiota purification.3,4 *

    Safety and Efficacy

    Zeolite is listed under the FDA’s G.R.A.S. list.5 Zeolite possesses powerful cation-exchange physics, making it ideal to grab onto (i.e., chelate) noxious cations.6 It has long been safely used as a feed additive for livestock to boost their health when confronting select health challenges.7 It is important that the clinoptilolite raw source material is tested for heavy metal contaminants prior to being manufactured into a nutraceutical product intended to promote xenobiotic elimination and decorporation in your patients.8*

    Promotes Detoxication

    At the end of this discussion, we present two compelling unpublished clinical results conducted at a certified laboratory illustrating the amazing ability of the primary ingredient in NanoZeolite MD™ to promote highly cost-effective xenobiotic elimination and decorporation in your patients when administered in the proper dosages.

    Bioactive zeolite promotes immune functions in immunodeficiency states.60,61 One key function bioactive zeolite is known for, is its ability to promote beneficial levels of antioxidants in the blood stream.62


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    62. Dogliotti G, et al. Natural Zeolites Chabazite/Phillipsite/Analcime Increase Blood Levels of Antioxidants. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2012 May;50(3):195-8.